Whalley Range Labour - Frequently Asked Questions
Please use the contact form. Alternatively, go to the National Labour Party website.
We are keen to make contact with all Labour members who live in Whalley Range. Sometimes it takes a while for information about members to be passed from the national party to the local branch, so if you’ve recently joined or moved into this area, please feel free to contact us directly (see also here for changing your address on the party database). Normally the branch meets every month except April, August and December, usually on the third Monday at Whalley Range Cricket & Lawn Tennis Club, Kingsbrook Rd, Manchester M16 8NR. Meetings normally start at 7.30pm and end at 9pm.
If you don’t want (or are unable) to come to meetings, we would still like to hear from you and find out what you want to get from your Party membership. There are also plenty of ways to get involved and help with campaigning, such as delivering leaflets and letters — please use the contact form.
Ward boundaries in Manchester changed in May 2018. See this post for more information and a map.
Go to this page on the national party website and click on ‘Update my details’ (you will need to log into or activate your Labour Hub account. If you haven’t already, using your membership number). Then click on the ‘EDIT’ button below your address.
If this doesn’t work for some reason, you can email labourmembership@labour.org.uk or call on 0345 092 2299 (Monday to Friday, Sam to 5pm).
Please let us know as well, as it takes time for information to alter down to the branch from the central party — use the contact form.
Other local organisations and campaign groups which may be of interest include:
Age Friendly Whalley Range (agefriendlywhalleyrange.wordpress.com)
Whalley Rangers (Facebook page)
Greater Manchester Police (South Manchester Division) (www.gmp.police.uk)
Whalley Range Community First (whalIeyrangecf.wordpress.com)
Whalley Range Forum (whalleyrange.org)
Whalley Range Work Club (whalleyrangeworkclub.wordpress.com)
Please click here for more information on how to register to vote.
Please click here to view our legal notice.
Whalley Range Labour Party are part of the Rusholme Constituency Labour Party, who are both part of the Parliamentary Labour Party. We are governed by the Political Parties Elections and Referendums Act 2000, and the full Labour Party terms and conditions can be read by clicking here.