EU referendum

Whalley Range Labour - Brexit Reaction from Angeliki Stogia

Brexit reaction: Angeliki Stogia

Shortly after the referendum vote three weeks ago, Whalley Range Labour councillor Angeliki Stogia wrote a short article describing her reaction to the result which you can read in full here: The outcome of Thursday’s referendum is an almighty blow to Britain’s Northern cities. As the first elected mainland European member of Manchester City Council, […]

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Whalley Range Labour - Register For EU Brexit Referendum

EU Referendum: registration deadline on 7th June

The EU Referendum will be held on Thursday 23rd June. Whalley Range Labour Party are strongly supporting the Labour IN campaign, and urge all supporters to vote Remain. Postal votes have already been delivered, and postal voters can complete and return their ballot papers straight away. If you’re eligible but not yet registered to vote,

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