Whalley Range Labour - Don't Forget to Vote Remain at the EU Referendum

Don’t forget to vote on Thursday

The EU Referendum is being held this Thursday 23rd June. A vote to Remain a member of the EU (the first option on the ballot paper) is a vote for keeping Manchester a strong European city. Four things to remember:

  • You don’t need your polling card to vote – just go to your polling station and give them your name and address
  • Polls are open from 7am to 10pm – if you’re going to be busy late on, why not vote first thing?
  • If you’ve got a postal vote, but haven’t sent it back yet, you can take it to any polling station before 10pm
  • If you don’t know where your polling station is or you need a lift to vote, call the Whalley Range Labour team on 0161 860 5523

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