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the 2024 Election dust has setted – initial Assessment

Albeit Labour recorded a resounding victory, when we extrapolate the data, there are worrying trends which we need to deal with urgently & head on.

We received a lower voter share than any governing party, which is mostly down to a low turnout, tactical voting, but also as a result of Labour’s stance on the situation in Palestine and the rising tide of the Far Right across the UK and Europe, which has lessened the impact of our two main parties. Fuelling voter complacency became a Tory tactic to lull the UK electorate into staying home, as they intimated a Labour win was a foregone conclusion. Many Labour supporters also voted tactically for the best placed party to defeat the Tories, which played the biggest part in lessening our vote share.

Four out of five people didn’t vote Labour, and I’m actuely aware that many Tories and those on the left of the party are sceptical of Sir Keir Starmer, but ultimately there was a stark choice. Five more years of chaos and economic carnage under Sunak, or giving Starmer’s Labour a chance. Our leader has acknowledged he has a lot to prove, much trust to gain, and has given a solemn pledge to govern for all, regardless of whether they voted Labour or not, which is refreshing and reassuring to hear. It’s said all too often, but after Brexit, we really do need to bring the country together and do our very best to settle our differences.

In terms of the Far Right, Farage & 30p Lee Anderson are two of four Reform UK MP’s elected to Parliament. Sunak and the Tories made the grave error of trying to outdo Reform UK on the immigration front, and whilst their futile election tactic failed miserably, they’ve managed to stoke further cultural divisions in the UK in the process. Polls show the biggest concerns amongst voters are the NHS and the cost of living. Sunak made immigration the central plank of the Tories campaign, placing it above all else in his battle with Farage, but in doing so, he ignored the ordinary folk who are suffering a serious decline in living standards and are angry at the terrible state of our public services.

HOWEVER, we ignore voter concerns over immigration levels at our peril, as we’ve seen with the frightening election results across Europe. Farage was a loud voice on the fringe, but his ilk now have a voice in Parliament, with him vowing to come after Labour, & 30p Lee Anderson declaring “I want my country back” in his victory speech! We need an honest and open debate, so we can regain the initiative in shaping the UK’s immigration narrative, and find palatable, workable solutions. This will hopefully marginalise the dangerous rhetoric being espoused by the UK’s Far Right, pushing them back to the fringes where they belong.

I’m gutted for our much loved Councillor Angeliki Stogia. She ran a valiant election campaign, but alas came up agonisingly short. She’s a rising star of the Labour Party, and Chester’s loss is Whalley Range’s gain. I doubt this will be her last Parliamentary campaign, so let’s make the most of her talents whilst we still can.

Finally, congratulations to our MP Afzal Khan on his re-election! He’ll remain a major weapon in our armoury to make the UK a fairer and far better country, from the shattered remains the Tories have left us. Being in opposition is hard, but being in power is even more difficult. Sir Keir Starmer deserves his chance to serve the UK as Prime Minister, and our full support and understanding in doing so. Here’s to a much fairer and prosperous United Kingdom under a Labour Government who will govern for the many, not the privileged few.

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