Whalley Range Labour - Mary Watson and Angeliki Stogia Raise Questions About Fly Tipping

Councillors continue to raise questions

At the full meeting of the Council on 30 November, Whalley Range Councillors Mary Watson and Angeliki Stogia raised questions with Council Executive members over progress with road gulley cleaning, flytipping and recycling rates following the introduction of new bins. Click on the images to follow the web cam recordings of the questions and responses.

Councillor Watson says “I’m pleased to hear that Councillor Battle, the Executive member for the Environment, has initiated a service review of the current gulley cleaning rates in Whalley Range and elsewhere. We need improvements and will continue to put pressure on until they are are delivered.” Councillor Stogia adds “If you see a blocked gulley or some fly-tipped rubbish, please report it. You can use the Council website or let us know“.

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