
award for the Moss Side Community Allotment

The Moss Side Community Allotment Group has received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the so-called ‘MBE for voluntary groups’. It is an acknowledgement of the thousands of hours of work put in by group members to “dig, plant, sow, construct and most importantly, share”, and will be added to a growing number of recognitions which they have received – and which are proudly displayed in their self-built community room ‘The Hub”.

Whalley Range Labour councillor Aftab Razaq called in earlier today with fellow councillors Angeliki Stogia and Muqaddasah Bano, to congratulate the group on this latest achievement. He said “It’s actually really incredible what Phil and the volunteers have managed to create here over the last eleven years in the heart of this residential area, surrounded by houses and flats. There’s fresh fruit, vegetables of all kinds, even some beautiful chickens. All the helpers deserve enormous credit, for their really inspirational project”.

The Community Allotment is located on the corner of Caythorpe and Bowes Streets, in the part of Whalley Range ward which is in Moss Side neighbourhood. For more information about the project, see their Facebook page.

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