Manchester City Council’s net revenue budget – the budget used to deliver services – is just over £666m. More than half of this budget is spent on Health and Social Care, and Children’s Services.
The council is facing an incredibly difficult budget position in 2021/22. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has meant increased costs – especially for services which support the city’s most vulnerable people – and a big hit to their income. The anticipated hit to next year’s budget from Covid-19 costs is £134m.
One option to reduce this deficit is an increase of just under 5% to next year’s Council Tax. Councillor Mary Watson says “Of course, increasing council tax above inflation is the last thing we want to do at the present time when many residents are feeling the pinch. But faced with this huge deficit, we have to consider every option”.
The council want to know what you think. For more information and to add your views to the consultation please visit the consultation web page here – the deadline is 24 December.