Whalley Range Labour - New 85A bus route for Withington Road

New 85A bus route for Withington Road

From today, buses are running every 30 minutes through the Withington Road shopping district (terminating in the city centre and Chorlton bus station), following a successful campaign by the Withington Road First Steps project. Whalley Range councillors Aftab Razaq and Angeliki Stogia joined others this morning to see the new service get underway. Angeliki says “Everyone in Whalley Range is delighted that the 85A Stagecoach route restores a bus service along Withington Road and Yarburgh Street.

With the help and encouragement of the Withington Road First Steps Project, Stagecoach ran a local consultation and have reacted positively to the results. Thanks are due especially to local community activists Dave Saunders and Bill Williams and all who took part in the survey.”

You can download a copy of the route map and timetable from the TfGM website here, and Stagecoach also provide an app with live bus information which you can download here.

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