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Whalley Range Labour - Assia Shah Takes Action on Landlord Evictions During COVID

Taking action on eviction as Covid-19 crisis bites

On 20 September the Tory government scrapped their temporary suspension of landlords’ rights to serve eviction notices. Tenants across the country can face losing their homes if they fall behind with rent due to short-term hardship during the Covid-19 crisis.

Whalley Range Labour - Assia Shah Takes Action on Landlord Evictions During COVID

Assia Shah, Whalley Range Labour candidate in May 2021, says “I’m really concerned about the impact this may have, especially in Whalley Range and Moss Side with many people living in rented accommodation – it could lead to huge stress and worry for people who might be in temporary money difficulties through no fault of their own. The Councillors and I strongly support the Labour leadership in calling for the eviction ban to be extended at least until there is a proper plan to take us through this crisis”.

Manchester City Council offers support and advice to any Manchester resident who is at risk of homelessness. If you’ve received a Section 21 notice see this page on their website, email homeless.prevention@manchester.gov.uk, or call Housing Solutions on 0161 234 4692 and ask to speak to a Section 21 advisor.

Whalley Range resident Isaac Rose works for the Greater Manchester Tenants Union – he offers this advice if you receive an eviction notice: ”Don’t panic. Stay put, check the notice and reach out for support. GMTU are working with GM Law Centre and organising across the city to make sure nobody is made homeless this winter. It is solidarity and getting organised that will see tenants through this crisis.” You can email the Tenants Union at info@tenantsunion.org.uk.

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