Whalley Range Labour - Clean Air Day

Clean Air Day – what’s the plan?

Today (8 October) is International Clean Air Day, and local schools Manley Park Infants on York Avenue, Manley Park Juniors on College Road, and Our Lady\’s Primary on Whalley Road are marking the occasion with temporary road closures at the start and end of the school day. They have three main aims:

  • Raising awareness for pupils and parents of the value of active travel and physical exercise
  • Involving pupils, teachers and parents in a symbolic day of action
  • Measuring changes in air quality to demonstrate the health benefit of reducing traffic at drop-off and pick-up times

Assia Shah (Whalley Range Labour candidate in May 2021) says ”86% of UK children breath toxic air – this problem shortens lives. We all have a duty to take action”. Meanwhile Clean Air Greater Manchester have drafted a Clean Air Plan for the region, and they want to know what you think – the details and a link to a short questionnaire are here.

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