Whalley Range Labour - COVID-19 Enhanced Response Area

Covid-19 – mutual support and help in Whalley Range

A quick update from the three Whalley Range Labour councillors (Aftab Razaq, Angeliki Stogia and Mary Watson) :

These are of course very challenging times for all Whalley Range residents. We hope you can remain safe and well as we move through this uncertain period.

Some people have asked us about local neighbourhood ‘mutual support’ groups to help us all cope in the current crisis. We are encouraging anyone who would like to get involved in this way to join and engage with the Whalley Range COVID-19 Facebook group. You can check there to see if a local WhatsApp support group has been set up for your street, and follow the listed links to join it – or if your immediate neighbourhood doesn’t have one yet, of course you can set it up.

Alternatively, for any individual who is keen to offer help directly, Whalley Rangers have organised a short questionnaire so that they can be safely matched with residents who may need help or just a reliable point of contact (ie someone to ‘look out’ for them).

Unfortunately we have been advised that we should no longer hold face-to-face advice sessions, so these are suspended for the time being. But please be assured that we are still working hard for you – you can always contact us by phone or email, follow the links on our web page here.

And more generally – let’s look out for each other, be kind, and follow official advice. The Council has a web page of useful information here, where you can also sign up for updates.

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