Whalley Range councillors Mary Watson and Angeliki Stogia joined other local women at Manley Park Play Centre in Whalley Range on 22 September for a special discussion event to launch the new group #DIVAMANC and campaign for “a woman’s eye view of Greater Manchester devoluton”.
Eve Holt, who lives in Whalley Range and helped organise the event, says “We are determined to drag DevoManc (the devolution of Greater Manchester) from out of the town halls and old boys’ networks and into the open, so that we can all debate, shape and contribute. Devolution presents both opportunities and risks for everyone who lives, works, cares or studies here, so it is right that everyone should be part of its development and future. Please tell us how you\’d like to get involved and help us design a devolution that is Diverse, Inclusive, Vibrant and Accountable.”
DivaManc is already gaining national newspaper coverage, with a preview of this event in the Guardian. For more information and future events, see the DivaManc website.

Diva-lution – launched in Whalley Range
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