Councillors Aftab Razaq and Angeliki Stogia join with the Whalley Range Labour candidate Muqaddasah Bano to give their best wishes to everyone in our area who is observing the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins shortly. Bano adds this message:
Muslims around the world pray at this time that our faith is strengthened and our souls purified through exercising ‘sawm’ and ‘salat’ (fasting and daily prayers). We’ll pray to Allah to bestow politeness in our words and prosperity in our resources, so that we can donate more to His people. We believe that Allah will always be with us if we try to spread love and affection.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 2020 and the start of 2021 have been very difficult for all our communities in Whalley Range – with many going through difficult times and sadly losing loved ones. I wish and pray that this Ramadan brings better and happier times for us all. If you are observing the fast this month, I wish you a happy Ramadan, and if you are not, do please wish us good luck and give us your support.