
Women’s coffee morning – Manley Park on Saturday

This Saturday 21st at 10.30am, please come along to Whalley Range Labour’s Women’s Coffee Morning to meet with your three local Labour councillors and your Member of Parliament.

Mary, Aftab, Angeliki and Afzal will be hosting an informal coffee morning to give local women a chance to listen to the issues their councillors and MP have been working on, both locally and nationally, on behalf of the people of Whalley Range. But most importantly, this will be a chance for local women to share their views and concerns, so that their local representatives can understand how best to represent them.

It’s on Saturday 21st April from 10.30 am to 12 noon at Manley Park Community Play Centre (York Ave, Whalley Range, M16 0AS). Tea and coffee will be served and children are welcome, but please note this is a women only event. The organiser is Marcia Hutchinson, Women’s Officer for Whalley Range Branch Labour Party.

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