Whalley Range Labour - Withington Road Traffic Calming Road Works

Speeding, recycling and your Local area

Recently there have been changes to speed limits on many local roads, and new information released on the Council’s recycling programme. The Whalley Range Labour councillors (Angeliki, Mary and Aftab) want to find out what local residents in Whalley Range (and east Chorlton) think about these changes, and how they feel about their local area.

We’d love to hear your views, so please contact us using the form. And remember you can contact the councillors at any time if there are issues you wish to discuss with them – see the Councillors pages for contact information.

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8 Comments Text
  • Victoria Dodd says:

    Hello, I live in a flat on withington road and am wondering why we aren’t supplied with the little containers and bags to put food waste in that houses seem to be?

    Many Thanks

    Victoria Dodd

    • admin says:

      Dear Victoria,
      Food containers and bags can be ordered online at the council web site (the link is here, then click on “New bin, box, bag or kitchen waste bags”). To be able to recycle, the apartment block needs a green bin. Normally apartment blocks have managing agents who are responsible for the communal areas and managing the bins. If there is not a green bin currently, you would need to speak with your managing agent (or landlord, or management company as the case may be) so one can be ordered.
      Hopefully this resolves your query, but if not it would probably best to get in touch with Councillor Angeliki Stogia direct, and she will try to help.

  • Victoria Dodd says:

    Hello, I live in a flat on withington road and am wondering why we aren’t supplied with the little containers and bags to put food waste in that houses seem to be?

    Many Thanks

    Victoria Dodd

    • admin says:

      Dear Victoria,
      Food containers and bags can be ordered online at the council web site (the link is here, then click on “New bin, box, bag or kitchen waste bags”). To be able to recycle, the apartment block needs a green bin. Normally apartment blocks have managing agents who are responsible for the communal areas and managing the bins. If there is not a green bin currently, you would need to speak with your managing agent (or landlord, or management company as the case may be) so one can be ordered.
      Hopefully this resolves your query, but if not it would probably best to get in touch with Councillor Angeliki Stogia direct, and she will try to help.

  • gerard collier says:

    I am worried that with “general” 20 mph speed limits drivers will not relate them to risk areas like schools and exceed the 20mph limits near schools with added risk to children.
    Are accident surveys going to be conducted before and after introduction?


    Gerard Collier

  • gerard collier says:

    I am worried that with “general” 20 mph speed limits drivers will not relate them to risk areas like schools and exceed the 20mph limits near schools with added risk to children.
    Are accident surveys going to be conducted before and after introduction?


    Gerard Collier

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